Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Weight Woes and a Moral

I've been reading some of my friends' blogs and I find it interesting that we all seem to be on the same wagon (the weight-loss wagon), kind of like on Oregon Trail. It seems like right now we are all forging the river (Weight River) and our covered wagon has tipped over and we've fallen out.

I've not been doing so well on the getting healthy business. I haven't been watching what I eat (unless you count watching it go from my plate to my mouth). I haven't worked out since.....ummmm.....I think last Tuesday, no maybe it was Monday....I can't remember. Anyways, it's so funny how you can be going along so well, and you decide you'll take ONE day off of working out, and that leads to a week off. And while on hiatus from working out, you decide you'll eat a bowl of ice cream, which, over the course of the week, turns into a whole carton of ice cream.

It's so easy to swim down that Weight River when you've fallen out of the comfy covered wagon instead of immediately getting out of the water, drying off, and forging ahead on our journey to lose weight. BUT, eventually your skin turns pruney (or stretched out from fat) and you have to get out and get back on the trail. SO, I've been getting back into eating better. Much better healthier lunches, lots more water. I am heading back to the gym tomorrow. I can get over this hump and get back in a routine. I can and I will!

On a sweet note, today for Read Across America week, we dressed up as favorite Dr. Seuss characters. I dressed up as Gertrude McFuzz because all I had to do was run some feather boas through my belt loops as a feather tail. For anyone who hasn't read her story, Gertrude McFuzz is a bird who only has one tail feather and is jealous of another bird who has two. So she takes some magic pill berry and grows an extra feather, then she eats more and more of the pill berries and has this big, beautiful long tail. But the problem is it's way too much for her and she can't move.

I've taught my kids that most of Dr. Seuss' stories have a moral. I asked them what they thought the moral of the story was and they all decided that it was that you should be happy with yourself the way you are and to not worry about what someone else has. I mean, these are some smart kiddos! Talk about throwing water in your face to wake you up to your own situation. When I picked Gertrude to dress up as, I never really thought about her story, but hearing an innocent 7 and 8 year old tell you to just be happy being yourself....wow! How can you not listen? So, I obviously need to look past what I was writing last night (the previous whiney blog) and just be happy with me as me and not worry about what other people have that I wish I had.

Yeh, ok, time to drink some water.

1 comment:

  1. We have been thinking just a like lately! This is what I posted on the SBD group on Facebook.

    You guys are going to hear me say buen camino on here a lot! I watched the most amazing movie the other night at a prescreening. The movie is called The Way. It is one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time. I am not sure when it will come to theaters as it is still in production, but when it does GO SEE IT! Buen Camino means good way. People on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela say, "buen camino" along the way. Weightloss is the journey that we are all taking together. We chat along the way. We are all losing weight for our own reasons, and along our journey we will meet new friends to share our reasons, to just have good conversation, and to share advice. Buen Camino everyone!
