Monday, August 17, 2009


My thoughts about food have completely changed. Before (50 pounds ago) I would eat anything and everything to see if I could figure out what I was craving (which was really just an emotional thing). I could and would eat whatever I wanted. If I bought a bag of chips at the store, I would eat every single one in the bag, even if I felt satisfied after a couple of chips. I would eat until I was stuffed and couldn't breathe. And when we would cook supper, my dad would cook enough for about 4 people and we would eat every single bit of it. Now, I blame the clean plate award feeling on Captain D's for that one. Remember when they used to give you a Mickey Mouse sucker if you finished your meal? I think it's a southern thing to eat every single thing on your plate even if you are stuffed. Waste not, want not, right?

I remember a couple of years ago, one of my friends made a comment that life would be so much easier if we didnt have to think about eating or didnt have to eat. Now at the time, I thought that was blasphemy! Not eating!?!? Are you serious!?!?! But a funny thing has happened.....

Since I began Jenny Craig, they teach you to eat until you are satisfied and only to eat because you NEED to, not because you WANT to. I never would have believed that my mentality about food would change, but it has. You pretty much get a schedule of eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack to keep your metabolism working all the time to burn off that fat. So, by eating contstantly pretty much, you never feel like you are starving. You eat because you NEED to, not because you are feeling like your stomach will eat your backbone if you don't eat a hamburger right then!

So, I say all of that to say that I now understand why my friend made her comment AND I agree with her. Life would be a lot easier if we didn't have to eat or think about eating. It's so time consuming! And a lot of the time, I dont even want to eat because I really am not hungry at all. I mean, I eat when I'm supposed to and I eat my Jenny meals, but I dont always eat all of it anymore because I just am not hungry. I honestly, NEVER thought that would be something I said, but there ya go. I said it.

And another weird thing. If I am in a restaurant, the smell of food disgusts me. Like I feel like I will vomit if I breathe through my nose. I'm just saying. I think it's kinda weird, but it's what happens. So I went from eating everything in sight to almost being disgusted to see or smell food period!

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts!

    I think it's really important to listen to your body and interpret its signals correctly. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. Period. I was raised (and you probably were too) to eat three meals a day. We were especially made to eat breakfast since it's the "most important meal of the day". Nowadays, I'm rarely hungry in the mornings so I usually skip it.

    My schedule usually consists of a small snack mid-morning (fruit), lunch, another small snack in the late afternoon, and then dinner. I also don't deny myself something if I'm craving it, but I try to eat as little of it as possible.

    And now that I've started cooking more, I've discovered that I eat less when I cook at home. Not exactly sure why, but my theory is because I've been handling the food for so long before I eat it, it's not as appealing and I'm not as ready to scarf it down.

    Not every body is the same. That's why I think it's sooo important to listen to what your body is telling you, no matter what your brain (or your momma) says!

    Keep up the good work! You know I'll be there to support you!
